Frameless Balustrades

A pedestal is a critical element of any structure - it is always part of a good foundation, without which a structure will topple. The same goes for the frameless balustrades which Pedestal design and install; without an immensely strong and reliable securing method a frameless balustrade becomes a liability. Pedestal use toughened safety glass according to AAAMSA specification, and their exceptionally strong and reliable fixing methods will suit the environment - be it a staircase, a landing, a feature balcony or a huge patio requiring preservation of the view but a screen from the wind, Pedestal will provide.

Glass balustrades, inside or outside your home or office, are difficult to clean and maintain. Ask Pedestal for Clearshield treatment on both sides of the glass! Converting the glass surface into a non-stick, easy-to-clean surface will give you cleaner glass for longer - no matter what the environment. Remember that balustrades on the edge of an elevated patio/balcony can be dangerous for the staff to clean. With Clearshield treatment and their easy after care products and equipment, this danger to your staff is minimized.

Enhance your patio experience ... call Pedestal for advice and a quote on their balustrade products.

Frameless Balustrades

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